Yoho Lake Association

The Yoho Lake Association welcomes you to Yoho Lake, enjoy your stay!

Yoho Lake Association Registration, Emergency Contact Information

By Nick Spacek |  Aug 28, 2024  | news

Hello residents. Here is the registration form for the Yoho Lake Association.

Yoho Lake Association Registration Form

On behalf of the Hanwell Emergency Measures Organization we are also sharing the following information and contact registration forms. Please read the attached documents for more information.

Hanwell Emergency Measures Organization

Emergency Contact Registration

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Yoho Lake Association-sponsored Septic Pump-Outs by Nicholson's Waste Management

By Nick Spacek |  Jul 12, 2023  | news

We have arranged a promotional rate for Septic Pump-Outs with Nicholson’s Waste Management.

Dates are:

Thursday, July 27
Monday, August 28

The cost is: base $145, plus $0.25/gallon (minimum 125 gallons)

Example: Given a tank of 125 gallons, the price would be: $145 + $0.25 x 125 = 176.25

This is a preferred rate if we have 10+ customers. Please help keep our lake safe.

Please call Bonny at 506-461-1328 to be added to list for either date.

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Yoho Lake Water Report

By Nick Spacek |  Jun 27, 2023  | news

In partnership with the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations, an in-depth water monitoring report was created to provide insights on the water quality at Yoho Lake. It is a 14-page report that covers many aspects of water quality.

Yoho Lake Water Report

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2023 Water Monitoring Volunteers Needed

By Nick Spacek |  May 26, 2023  | news

The Yoho Lake Water Monitoring Committee is looking for volunteers! Please see the following message from Dinah Stocker:

A group of volunteers monitor the quality of Yoho Lake water each summer in conjunction with several other lakes, YLA and the New Brunswick Lakes Association. We take measurements such as water clarity, pH levels, temperature, etc., at 4 specific coordinates on the lake. This way we can tell how well the lake can support fish, plants, birds, “our loons,” and so on. A “team” of monitors go out every second week and anticipate starting this year in mid-June.

We are looking for 4 volunteers, two people with boats and two additional people as monitors. We will have an experienced monitor “team up” with new volunteers. No experience is necessary just interest. The time commitment is a spring training/meeting; 2 “measurement sessions” (one July, one August) that take about 1-1.5 hours each and a final fall debriefing meeting.

To volunteer or for questions please contact Dinah Stocker at either 506-470-4608 (text or call) or email: bigdogz@bellaliant.net

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NBALA Presents: Living by the Lake on Feb 25, 2023

By Nick Spacek |  Jan 20, 2023  | news

Please see the following invitation from the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations (NBALA):

The New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations will be holding the biennial conference on lake health on February 25, 2023 (10 am to 12:30; ZOOM). The theme this year is “Living by the Lake”. The challenge of living by the lake is to find a balance between enjoying the natural beauty and recreational opportunities while also protecting the fragile ecosystem of the lake. Whether a property owner is new to lake living or a generational cottage/home owner, we need to create an understanding that all human activity has the potential to impact lake health and this is amplified by the increase in water temperature secondary to climate change. Topics to be explored will include understanding water quality monitoring in relation to lake health; impact of development on shoreline management/remediation; protecting the role of wetlands in promoting biodiversity; and the impact of recreational activity on aquatic wildlife. A detailed program will be provided once speakers are confirmed.

For more information, watch this post for updates or contact Lee Penney at NBALA.

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2022 Living Lake Canada Presentation

By Nick Spacek |  Aug 22, 2022  | news

Living Lakes Canada, a BC-based charity that works with lake-related groups across the country, is collaborating with the NBALA for an upcoming presentation on Lake Limnology and Stewardship. If you are interested in attending, you can register here.

In this 75-minute session, participants will enjoy presentations from the BC Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS) and the New Brunswick Alliance of Lake Associations (NBALA). They both will share their knowledge on lake limnology and lake stewardship, and how communities can get involved in lake monitoring. In this meeting there will be plenty of time to ask questions about lake stewardship and the Lake Blitz monitoring protocol.

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2022 Septic Pump Out

By Nick Spacek |  Jul 20, 2022  | news

For 2022, July 29 and August 29 will be the neighbourhood septic pump-out days provided by Nicholson’s Waste Management. The cost starts at $145 plus $0.23/litre. For example, for a 500L tank the cost would be $260, or $299 including tax.

For more information and to book, please contact Bonny Hoyt-Hallet at 506-366-3515 or via email at bonnyhh2@icloud.com.

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