Please read the following message from the NB Alliance of Lake Associations (NBALA):

To NBALA members

Now that the hot weather has arrived, it is particularly critical that we keep an eye open for signs of blue green algae blooms which can potentially be toxic to humans and pets.  If a bloom is suspected at your lake, use the protocol outlined below to report it to the Department of Environment and Local Government (DELG).  

Contact your lake association who will contact tje DELG Regional Office to notify them of the bloom and send DELG the completed bloom screening questionnaire found at​dam/gnb/Departments/env/pdf/​Water-Eau/Algae-Algues/​AlgaeQuestionnaire.pdf).  

DELG will then notify the respective Regional Medical Officer of Health and the Dept. of Justice and Public Safety Regional Office (Public Health Inspectors are now under this Dept) that an algae bloom has been reported for their followup.  

More infomation about blooms can be found at​gnb/en/departments/ocmoh/​healthy_environments/content/​blue_green_algae.html This message will be posted on the NBALA Facebook page to be shared with individual lake associations.  

Sheryl Bartlett
Chair, NBALA