Another note from Briana Cowie at the NB Alliance of Lake Associations:
Hi everyone,
Hope you are all staying safe & well. I am sending out this Call for Proposals for all NBALA lake association members to circulate. We would like to see more youth involved in our local lake associations and environmental efforts so we have created an opportunity for young people to contribute a creative design project that involves maintaining lake health.
The details are enclosed in the attached document. We ask that you share this widely on your social media, at your dinner tables, and with your friends & family. We will select 5 project proposals and individuals who are chosen will be provided compensation in exchange for their design as a part of our “Youth Ambassadorship” program. Interested individuals are asked to contact me by February 5th with their project ideas.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s think of creative ways to get youth thinking about environmental management!
Thanks everyone.
Take care,